Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Within the CPS and PAC segments, it is required to provide the number of pallets packages in the shipment.
  • The package type codes can be specific to you. ( in order to do this, it is required to provide these codes to Onetrail )

Code Block
titleEDI D96A Shipment Information (Basic, Without Container)
CPS+0' (declaring container with ID = 0)
PAC+2++201:9' (declaring 2 packages with typecode '201' - EU Pallet)
    Providing a preferred delivery slot
  • When shipping an actual shipping container it is required
  • . This can be done as follows: 
  • to specify this.

Code Block
titleEDI D96A Preferred Delivery Slot
DTM+64:202111151415:203' ( DTM+64 should contain the preferred delivery slot including the delivery time )

Edifact D97a

Edifact D97a DesAdv Standard with Coolblue Requirements

Office Excel

Edifact D97a Requirements Explained

Shipment Information (Basic single Shipping Container)
    Contact Information is required within the CTA and COM segments, They can be formatted as follows:
  • SSCC is also supported, the CPS and PAC segments should be formatted as follows.

Code Block
titleEDI D97A Contact Information
CTA+MD+:Warehouse Contact'


D96A Shipment Information (SSCC multi-level Shipping Container)

  • Providing a preferred delivery slot is required. This can be done as follows: 

Code Block
titleEDI D96A Preferred Delivery Slot
DTM+64:202111151415:203' ( DTM+64 should contain the preferred delivery slot including the delivery time )

Edifact D97a

Edifact D97a DesAdv Standard with Coolblue Requirements

Office Excel
nameD97A_DesAdv(With CB requirements).xlsx

Edifact D97a Requirements Explained

  • Contact Information is required within the CTA and COM segments, They can be formatted as follows:
Code Block
titleEDI D97A Shipment Information (Basic, without Container)
CPS+0' (declaring container with ID = 0)
PAC+2++201:9' (declaring 2 packages with typecode '201' - EU Pallet)
  • Providing a preferred delivery slot is required. This can be done as follows: 

Code Block
titleEDI D97A Preferred Delivery Slot
DTM+64:202111151415:203' ( DTM+11 should contain the preferred delivery slot )

XML Example


Contact Information
CTA+MD+:Warehouse Contact'

  • Within the CPS and PAC segments, it is required to provide the number of pallets in the shipment.
  • The package type codes can be specific to you. ( in order to do this, it is required to provide these codes to Onetrail )

Code Block
titleEDI D97A Shipment Information (Basic, without Container)
CPS+0' (declaring container with ID = 0)
PAC+2++201:9' (declaring 2 packages with typecode '201' - EU Pallet)
  • When shipping an actual shipping container it is required to specify this.

Code Block
titleEDI D97A Shipment Information (Basic single Shipping Container)
  • SSCC is also supported, the CPS and PAC segments should be formatted as follows.

Code Block
titleEDI D97A Shipment Information (SSCC multi-level Shipping Container)

  • Providing a preferred delivery slot is required. This can be done as follows: 

Code Block
titleEDI D97A Preferred Delivery Slot
DTM+64:202111151415:203' ( DTM+11 should contain the preferred delivery slot )

XML Example

XML Standard Despatch Advice

Code Block
titleCoolblue DesAdv XML Example
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Pip3B2AdvanceShipmentNotification xmlns="">
						<FreeFormText>Purchase Department<
Code Block
titleCoolblue DesAdv XML Example
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Pip3B2AdvanceShipmentNotification xmlns="">
						<FreeFormText>Purchase Department</FreeFormText>
							<FreeFormText>Coolblue B.V.</FreeFormText>
					</PartnerDescription>	<CommunicationsNumber>+31-104506184</CommunicationsNumber>
						<FreeFormText>Sales Department</FreeFormText>
								<telephoneNumber><FreeFormText>Coolblue B.V.</FreeFormText>
				<	<GlobalPartnerClassificationCode>Buyer</ContactInformation>GlobalPartnerClassificationCode>
						<GlobalSupplyChainCode>Information Technology</GlobalSupplyChainCode><ContactInformation>
							<FreeFormText>Onetrail B.V.<<FreeFormText>Sales Department</FreeFormText>
						<FreeFormText>Sales Department<<GlobalBusinessIdentifier>SellerGLN</FreeFormText>GlobalBusinessIdentifier>
<GlobalSupplyChainCode>Information Technology</GlobalSupplyChainCode>
		</ContactInformation>	<PartnerRoleDescription>
				<PartnerDescription>	<contactName>
						<BusinessDescription>	<FreeFormText>Sales Department</FreeFormText>
						<GlobalSupplyChainCode>Information Technology</GlobalSupplyChainCode><EmailAddress></EmailAddress>
							<FreeFormText>Onetrail B.V.</FreeFormText>
				<CountableAmount>1<<GlobalSupplyChainCode>Information Technology</CountableAmount>GlobalSupplyChainCode>
			</numberOfShippingContainers>			<businessName>
		<FreeFormText>Coolblue Parcel Autostore</FreeFormText>	<GlobalShippingServiceLevelCode>Regular</GlobalShippingServiceLevelCode>
				</businessName><CountableAmount>1</CountableAmount>(number of packages/containers/pallets)
								<FreeFormText>Warehouse Department</FreeFormText><GlobalPartnerClassificationCode>Buyer</GlobalPartnerClassificationCode>
				<GlobalDocumentReferenceTypeCode>Purchase Order</GlobalDocumentReferenceTypeCode><PackageType>PALLET/UNIT LOAD</PackageType>(Can be Package/Pallet/Unit Load)
		<CountableAmount>1</CountableAmount>(number of lines)
							<GlobalDocumentReferenceTypeCode>Sales Order</GlobalDocumentReferenceTypeCode>
							<ProprietaryDocumentIdentifier>7077320361<<ProprietaryDocumentIdentifier>Sales Order Number</ProprietaryDocumentIdentifier>
							<GlobalDocumentReferenceTypeCode>DesAdv<<GlobalDocumentReferenceTypeCode>Purchase Order</GlobalDocumentReferenceTypeCode>
						<ProductIdentification><ProprietaryDocumentIdentifier>Purchase Order Number</ProprietaryDocumentIdentifier>
							</PartnerProductIdentification><ProprietaryDocumentIdentifier>Despatch Advice Number</ProprietaryDocumentIdentifier>
	<GlobalProductIdentifier>Seller SKU</GlobalProductIdentifier>
								<ProprietaryProductIdentifier>DTX/128GB</<ProprietaryProductIdentifier>Seller SKU</ProprietaryProductIdentifier>
								<ProprietaryProductIdentifier>740617309928<<ProprietaryProductIdentifier>EAN/GTIN code</ProprietaryProductIdentifier>
						<proprietaryInformation>	<ProprietaryProductIdentifier>MFPN</ProprietaryProductIdentifier>
							<FreeFormText>128GB DT Exodia USB 3.2 Gen 1</FreeFormText>
	<FreeFormText>Product Description</FreeFormText>
							<FreeFormText>BARSAN BENELUX<<FreeFormText>Verhoeven Transport B.V.</FreeFormText>
					<FreeFormText>Sales Department</FreeFormText>
					<GlobalSupplyChainCode>Information Technology</GlobalSupplyChainCode>
						<FreeFormText>Onetrail<FreeFormText>Brabantia Netherlands B.V.</FreeFormText>
					<FreeFormText lang="EN">Purchase Department <Department</FreeFormText>
						<FreeFormText lang="EN">Coolblue B.V.</FreeFormText>


  • This element should contain 3 fields: <shippingContainerIdentifier>, <PackageType> and <numberOfShippingContainers>
  • <shippingContainerIdentifier> should contain the field <ProprietarySerialIdentifier>, the value of which should be the ID / Reference number specific to the shipping container. *Only if shipping and actual shipping container, otherwise value expected is '0'.
  • <PacketType> should have the value such as 'PALLET/UNIT LOAD', 'PACKAGE', 'PALLET' or 'UNIT LOADCONTAINER'
  • <numberOfShippingContainers> should contain the field <CountableAmount>, the value of which should be the number of shipping containersof packages of the specified 'PackageType'.
  • A <ShippingContainerItem> element should follow containing each line item.each line item.

Code Block
titleShipping Container Specifications

	 * These are the required fields if shipping a Container, otherwise '0' and change Package Type
Code Block
titleShipping Container Specifications
       <ShippingContainer> <PackageType>CONTAINER</PackageType>*

 	 * ThisThese isare the required field fields if shipping a Pallet.
        </shippingContainerIdentifier> *

        <PackageType>PALLET/UNIT LOAD</PackageType>*

	 * This is the required field.
         </numberOfShippingContainers> *

